my students...
Here are my students... aren't they cute? From left to right: Mickey, Boat, Rew, Gao, J.J. and Nicky. I know most of them look a little grumpy... but getting them to stand still for a photo was a challenge in itself!Here is Mickey. He is my (shhhhhhh!) favorite kid. He is so cute. We had a book fair last week, and there was a door decorating contest. In desperate attempts to make this contest resemble something academic, I did a book study using the book, "Where the Wild Things Are." I had all my kids make Wild Things faces, then I blew up the photo, and they made themselves into giant wild things. This was Mickey's Wild Things face. Or - just a regular day in my classroom!
Rew - this is the kid that will end my teaching career. But I LOVE LOVE him. He is a cutie.... but he sure does have a lot of energy that he likes to express by touching other people's crotches. We are working on it! He is a really bright kid. He always makes me laugh, so it's really hard to get mad at him when he's ruining all my brilliant lessons. However - In two short months I think I've mastered my teacher face!
Boat... oh Boat! This kid is amazing. When all the other boys in the classroom have destroyed everything, Boat is quietly sitting in one place with his hand up, focusing on the lesson. Just when I've lost all hope, "Yes Boat, what would you like to share." "Miss Crystal, schema is when you take stuff in your head to understand the book." "YES, Boat... that's awesome, go move your star!"
OK, look at this girl. Is she not the cutest? The poor little girl... the only one in a room full of rowdy boys... and man, does she hold her own. This girl will not put up with the boys crap. I've never seen a 6 year old roll her eyes so powerfully. I look at her and think, I know just how you feel Gao. Yesterday I was handing out the paper for the spelling test, and Gao pulls on my shirt, looks up at me and says, "Miss Crystal, did you forgot whose job it is to hand out the papers?" It was her job, my bad.
J.J. and Nicky are wonderful kids also, but I don't want to bore you with to much text in this post. Thier stories will come.
I am so lucky. My kids are tough. I thought I would be bored with only 6 kids. Nope, everyday is an adventure. And everyday I love them more. I mean look at them... life is good.
Quick final note... in my morning message I always sign it, Love Miss Crystal. And from the first school day until now... 42 school days later, when we read the message aloud, it never fails, Rew chiming in, "Love, EWWWWWWWWW, ha ha ha Ewwww, love, ha ha ha."
So that being said...
Love Miss Crystal
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