boat's bombs...
Well here he is... I can't figure out how to rotate the picture. Sorry. Tilt your head!
Hello Everyone,
Now, I know you have been hearing all the news about the bangkok bombings, and you were really concerned about my safety. Well I am here to tell you a story about the closest thing to a bomb that I have encountered. I really wanted to eternalize this story which is why I'm writing it down.
So the other day, after lunch, Boat (my student) came into my classroom. I asked him what he did at recess. "I was playing with bombs Miss Crystal."
I replied in absolute alarm, "WHAT?!? What do you mean you were playing with bombs?"
He assures me, "Don't worry. They are just little bombs. They explode when they get wet."
Now I am actually concerned. "Where did you see them?"
"Behind school. Just little ones."
My class was about to begin so I called the principal over and told him what Boat was saying. The principal went with Boat to check it out.
Boat came back to class a few minutes later holding the "bomb." It was a tiny plant, that when you push it the little seeds pop out of it. Ha ha! How's that for language barriers!
Another cute story while I'm bragging about my adorable children...
My little girl Gao was walking out of class today with a rose hanging out of her bag. I asked her where she got it and she said a boy gave it to her. Then I looked over at Nicky and he said, "I gave her the flower miss Crystal."
I reply, "oh yeah? Why?"
"Because I love her!" was his doe eyed reply. Classic.
I love this class... they may be a thorn in my side, but I wouldn't trade them for anything!
Miss you all!
Can't wait until I meet all of these cuties in person. I am glad that the "bombs" were harmless. Keep safe
The stories are unbelievable. Hard to imagine living like that considering we come from a civilized country. Those nudie bars sound NASTY! Especially since those woman are mostly all forced into the sex trade. How sad!
Sounds like quite the adventure just the same. Take care.
Aunt Shell
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