adventures with jamie and jav... (all the rest)
Alright I'm back... with more updates from a million years ago.After Cambodia, we went to Bali... it was beautiful - again. We stayed at this amazing hotel. It was quaint, only a few rooms, and the manager was really cool. When we arrived we found out the the rollaway bed that we requested had been broken... so poor me, I had to have a room all to myself. And by poor me, I meant I got moved for free to the nicest room in the hotel, and we all got our privacy... it was grand.
Day one: Beach. I loved it. Surprise. Then we went out for extremely overpriced seafood. Jamie was not impressed.
Day Two: The most unimpressive trip to a volcano EVER. We drove for what seemed like forever to this amazing volcano that we assumed we could practically climb inside (I mean it is Aisa) and then the driver stops so we could take some photos that overlooked the volcano from a distance, and then we got back in the car and he is like, "You are done already?" "No," we reply, "We want to see the volcano!" He says, "That's it." What a letdown. But he ended up taking us to a cool coffee plantation which ended being really fun.
Day Three: We went to Dream Land, which is a beach with the most ridiculous waves that I have ever seen! They were huge. At one point I went to get out of the water, and it literally took me about 20 minutes to get out before the waves swallowed me whole. So fun.
Late that night we reluctantly left Bali en route to Kuala Lumpur. I expected it to be the worst city ever, and it did not let me down. KL blew! My advise to asian travellers, avoid this dirty, over-hyped and ridiculously boring city. The only thing notable about the city is the patronus towers, which unless you go like a week in advance to get tickets, they get sold out. We were not willing to commit that much time, so most of our time in KL was spent trying to find a way to change our flights so we could get OUT of KL.
Next was Phuket.... I felt happier already just to be back in Thailand. Originally we weren't going to spend any time in Phuket, just take a boat to Koh Phi Phi... so luckily we got to see the island, which was really nice! We spent a day by the beach, then had a big night out, where we saw a kutoy show (lady boy) which was amazing! I mean if I didn't know they were boys... I never would have known.
Then we wandered around the dirty streets a patong. And by dirty I mean dirty, and by dirty I mean smutty. But alas we managed to find a way to entertain ourselves, and that was with Muay Tai and 50 baht beers. Then we danced the night away. It was tons of fun! The next day was spent recovering from our night of fun!
Then we hopped on a ferry boat and headed to Koh Phi Phi... the hotel was pretty cute, the island was really fun. It was motor free, so you can only get around by walking, trekking or long-tail boating. On this island we met up with a co-worker of mine, and a friend that she was travelling with. We spent the days beaching and the nights enjoying nice seaside dinners, and decadent desserts. And yes family, it was on this island that I got my tattoo. Sorry, but I swear it was sanitary.
Oh also, horrid travel story... I ate chicken.
So here is the tale...
I order a meal of "Vegetables and Noodles."
I confirm with the server that it is in fact Jai (Veggie) Mai Gai/moo/plaa/gung which means NO every kind of meat I know how to say.... he says yes.
Then I get my meal take a few bites and realize yes, that was chicken I just ate in my vegetarian noodle dish... awesome. So I call over the server and say in the best thai I can muster, which was really impressive, I think, "This is not good, I am a vegetarian, I said no meat, I want another dish." Then the server stares at me for a few seconds and then turns his back to me, and doesn't move. I'm like SERIOUSLY! I can still see you buddy. Do something! Grrrrrr. I left hungry.
Anyway, after a few days of relaxing it was time to head back to the chaos of Bangkok. We went to the market, went out dancing, which was fun, because I went to my first Gay bar in Bangkok, which was fun... then Jamie and Jav went home, booo hoooo. And I spent my last few days in Samet, where I met some American travellers who let me hang with them for a few days.
THEN I CAME TO CANADA!!!!! Wooooooo hooooooooooooo. But this blog is not about that, so I will say good bye. I will be back soon to report on the Adventures of Jess and Crystal.
Miss you all.